A buck can save a life. No, seriously. A dollar gives a free year’s worth of water to someone living in an underdeveloped area.
These underdeveloped areas are filled with individuals often making less than a dollar a day, meaning that even if their entire village gathered together, they couldn’t expand enough to purchase the needed tools or drilling to build a well.
That’s where CharityWater.org comes in. Charity Water is a organization dedicated towards ending world thirst, and providing water to the billion waterless individuals around the world.
Charity Water goes to under-watered areas and drills a freshwater well, allowing the locals to have fresh water, fulfilling their drinking, cooking, washing, plumbing and medical needs. One expense — a lifetime of rewards. Think of this as a “charity investment.”
It only takes a dollar for Charity Water to provide an underdeveloped area’s local with enough well-water for an entire year.
So if you have a few bucks to spare, consider charity water. If you’re already giving money to a church, or are involved with an organization that designates funds to charity, consider asking how much help you are getting with every dollar. If you aren’t sure, remember that Charity Water is a sure deal… a dollar gives a year’s supply of free water.
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